Fun Family Shoot

I had a really fun time with this family shoot, for my friend and business partner, Talia, a few weeks ago.  I went to their property for this shoot.  When I got there, I was so excited to see all of the cool and interesting equipment, tools, vehicles and more, all with the beautiful green of spring surrounding us.  When we showed the photos to her husband, he kept saying, why did you take a picture in front of those tires or that fence, or that old vehicle.  I had a really hard time convincing him that this kind of stuff is a photographer’s dream!  I want to post about a hundred photos, but I managed to limit it to just a few.  It’s soooooo hard!

This first photo was pretty much a test photo.  Just look at all that cool equipment in the background.  Love.


This photo was one of those spontaneous photos.  I was shooting in the opposite direction, taking pics of her mom.  And, she was just sitting there watching.  What a perfect photo!  And, the sign is the family’s last name.


I love this photo.  What is better than Mom with daughters?


This is Talia.  She is a great model!!  (she would fight me on this….but I’m right. lol)  Love that green.  Wish it would stay all year!


Another spontaneous shot.  Who needs to pose and set up shots, when there is this?  Again, I was shooting something else, and when I turned around, I saw this!  I love those moments.


Now we managed to get big brother in the photo.  All  we need is Dad,and it would be perfect!!


Siblings.  And, rust.  What more could a photographer ask for?


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