Cute Fabric Tags

Sewing Room Organization

Who says organization can’t be PRETTY? I put a lot of effort in to my pretty sewing room, so I am always looking for ways to add to that, and if it can be practical too! Well, that is a bonus for sure!

I needed to keep track of my fabric stash, because it was all MYSTERY fabric! After I make my purchase, I almost always wash my fabric before I use it. I love having my fabric organized and visible. But, that’s it. I have to guess….how much of that fabric do I have? What kind of fabric is it? So many questions…and no answers.

I finally decided to solve this issue. I made some super cute tags with all the details written on them. Whenever I by new fabric, I make tags before adding them to my stash. As an added bonus, since I began doing this, I have learned so much about fabrics. And, I’m still learning.

Here’s what I do. When I’m buying fabric, I take a photo with my phone of the fabric info on the bolt. When I get home and I’m ready to put this fabric away, I put the tag on it.

In order to be able to do this, I need to have a bunch of blank tags made and ready to go!

Here is my tag:

You are welcome to right click the image and save it for yourself. Or, if you want to make changes, you can open this image in Canva, and make it your own!


I put 3 on a page and printed them on cardstock.

After I cut them out, I use a hole punch, add a little ribbon and a safety pin and it’s ready to fill out and attach.

You are welcome to download and print my labels if you like!

I really love how they look in my stash.

If you want to see my tags in my sewing room, check out my video (above) on my youtube channel.

And, if you want to see more about my fabric organization, here is a video about that:

And…if you want to take a tour of my sewing room, check out this video:

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