Celebrating 20k Subscribers on YouTube Thank you!!

I’m so very grateful to reach a HUGE milestone with my YouTube Channel, Stephanie Farrell Focus. I want to thank each and every subscriber…THANK YOU!!!

I can’t even wrap my head around this number. If we were all in one place at the same time….it would be quite a crowd, right?

It’s been 8 years since I started my channel. It’s fun outlet for me to share things and talk and meet people from all over the world. And, what a journey it has been. If you are not one of my viewers, how can I describe my channel to you? I was in a group of YouTube content creators recently and we were talking about this subject, and it was said simply, “you are a sewing channel”. And, I’m super excited to describe my channel this way, because I LOVE sewing. But, it’s about more than that.

First, it was a channel that featured my Pop Up Camper remodel. That was such a fun project! You have to see it!! I shared all the things I was doing to the camper, and a lot of it involved sewing! After the project was done, now what do I talk about? Well, some of our travels in the pop up and there were some wild ones!! And, then some beauty, home projects, sewing (of course) and my daughter and I started getting Stitch Fix boxes and we did some unboxings together…fun times!

Then covid came and traveling was curtailed. I didn’t need any Stitch Fix boxes, with nowhere to go! So, hubby helped me create my DREAM sewing room! And, I started sewing more that I ever have. Jen, from “In Jen’s Sewing room” on YouTube found me and I LOVE her channel. She started a fun group of sewing content creators called Friday Sews. I believe THIS saved my channel. Every week I had a reason to post a video. Thank you Jen!

And here I am. 20k. Wow. Pinch me.

Here are some of my thoughts about my channel.

First video 8 years ago is a cool story I wrote for the local phone book inside story. Totally worth a watch if you like history. It’s about the Gold Rush, which is where we live.

My top ten videos:

How to cover cushions for my Pop Up.

This was simple and easy, I didn’t include a zipper or velcro, which is what I wanted and many people have watched this video. I have covered many cushions since this video, using the same technique. That first one though, is my most watched video. And, it’s my MOST complained about video too! It was early days for me and I thought I would be clever and have some music. Ugh. Some people have said that the music is loud enough to break their eardrums. Yikes!! All I can for for those people is say sorry.

Other top videos

Pop Up Tent Trailer Tour

How to make pillow beds for kids

How to make a custom dress form

Sewing Room declutter (this is in my OLD sewing room!!!)

How to measure your cushions to buy fabric (goes with my number one video)

How to make gloves

How to make a custom wreath

How to cover a jackknife sofa

Pop Up trailer valance

If you want to see any of my top videos, let me tell you a quick and easy way. Whenever I find a new channel, I look to see what videos they posted. Right below the video tab, it says “latest” you can change that to “popular” and you will see their most watched videos. It’s such a cool feature!

And, these aren’t even MY favorites!! But, many of my subscribers have found me from these videos, and that’s awesome!!

When I first decided to build my channel, I made a cute “studio” in my basement. I loved that “set”.

When I finished decorating my new sewing room, IT became my new “set”. And, I LOVE it.

Yes, I do like to talk about a variety of subjects, my house, travels, my garden, my health journey, beauty and more. But, I always come back to SEWING, and of course my glamped up trailer. We are on number three with that and I have a playlist for each one.

I’m so excited to continue on, and I even have a renewed excitement after reaching this number. It makes me want to do more!!

I love sharing, chatting and creating. That’s true. But my favorite part is the connection. I love seeing the same names in the comments. I feel like I’m getting to know my youtube friends, and it’s hands down, my favorite part. So, thank you!

I’ve been a blogger for a lot longer than my youtube channel, you can see my old blog at blogspot.com/luluscottage and I have a goal to keep this blog, Stephanie Farrell Focus updated. You see, youtube is like any other business, they can do away with my channel any time they want to….I sure hope they don’t, but I did lose my Facebook page that I had for ten years….so, things to happen. THIS is my website and they can’t do anything with that! So, this is a way for me to keep in touch with anyone who wants to stay in touch with me. I’m going to start a quarterly newsletter, are you signed up? If not, put your name and address in to get the inaugural issue coming soon.

And, If you are reading this in June/july 2024, you will be entered in to a drawing for a $25 gift certificate from Etsy. Drawing date July 30. I chose etsy because it’s international. So, I hope that works!! Good Luck.

One last Thank you!! And, I’m truly looking forward to even bigger and better things!!

Hugs! Stephanie

13 thoughts on “Celebrating 20k Subscribers on YouTube Thank you!!”

  1. Hi Stephanie, How do We sign up for your newsletter? I can’t seem to find it. I love your YouTube channel and had no idea you had a blog 🙂

  2. Hello my lovely. Well done on the 20k – totally deserved. I didn’t even know you had a blog until now. 😀

  3. Carole Beaven

    I never regret clicking on your video years ago and the one I clicked on was your old sewing room and how you store your fabrics. I copied you and haven’t looked back since.!

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