Walking around Woods Lake and finding a waterfall

If you ever wonder how we find so many cool places in the mountains for our photo shoots, it’s because we go up there a lot.  And, we love it!!  Hubby was stuck in front of his computer for 2 days straight, and I thought he needed a break.  So we decided to go “up country”.  That’s what we call driving up to the mountains.  It takes us a little over an hour to get there.  Perhaps you may think that this is too long of a drive for such a short visit, but we think it’s the perfect way to spend an evening.  We left the house around 5:30 and got home around 9:30.  We saw some beautiful places that we hadn’t been to before.  Woods Lake is one of them.  Well, we’ve been there before, but we never took the time to really look around.  When I saw a path at the edge of the lake, I was drawn to walk it!  Hubby agreed.

Here is a short video tour of Woods Lake.

This was my first view of the lake.  The sky was blue and the reflection was crystal clear.  Ah.  So pretty.  Click on any image to see an enlargement.


I imagine that this waterfall is seasonal, most of them are.  Because it’s spring, it was huge!!  Loud and wonderful.  We were swarmed by bugs from the first step out of the car, and of course our bug spray ran out!!  Figures.  The walk to the waterfall is pretty easy, mostly path and a small part over some rocks.  Worth the walk!


The light changes rapidly as sunset approaches.  I love the reflection.  So peaceful.


As we were driving out, we came across this patch of yellow flowers.  So pretty!



On the way home, we stopped by Silver Lake.  The sun is going down and an orange glow is appearing on the mountain.  And, there were geese hanging around the shore.


I love this shot with the orange mountain in the reflection.


I think it’s called Thunder Mountain.  If you know, please leave a comment.


The best part of a late afternoon/evening drive is the sunset on the way home.  We enjoyed an orange sky pretty much the whole drive.  If you haven’t watched it, scroll up and watch my quick video tour of Woods Lake.  So beautiful.  Ah.



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