Snow Day in Lake Tahoe

We watched the weather, looking for a snow day, and we found it!!  Snow showers are the best,  I think, because if it’s snowing too much, you can’t really see anything.  And, yes!  It was really really cold!  We always resist putting on chains too soon.  Well, Hubby resists.  I am constantly saying, “do you think we should put on the chains now?”. 🙂

steve and stephanie farrell 2015 photographer photography

This is where we stopped to put on chains.  Hubby does it.  I wait in the warm car.  Seems like a good deal to me.  And, he is so sweet, he helped the lady behind us with her chains too.  That’s what guys should do, if you ask me.


I love this scene in any weather, any season.  I’m sure it’s one of the most photographed scenes on the planet.  It’s just perfect.  Here is my winter version.

I also love aspens in any season.  They are such beautiful trees.  I love them best in the spring, when a gentle breeze comes along and the leaves make music.  No music here.  Just a quick photo and jump back in the car before I freeze!


We found sunset at the beach in Zephyr Cove.  I have discovered that walking on sand is MUCH easier when it’s covered with snow!


It was beautiful in every direction.  Huge boulders, pink sky.  Sigh.



When it’s great, all we want to do is stand there and take the same photo, over and over!  Then, when it comes time to decide on favorites, it’s nearly impossible.  Which of the following two do you like best?



This is my favorite sunset shot.  Hubby says it would have been better with rocks at the bottom.  Oh well.  Next time.  I still love it!  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Not necessarily her husband.  🙂

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