Silver Lake Camping with friends and Rain, Thunder and Hail!!

We had our annual trip to Silver Lake with friends and this time we stayed 7 days instead of 3!  Wow.  I planned on staying the first few days, then home for a couple days, then back up to the camp.  It was hard to leave my little camper all alone  up here, but she did fine.  It rained like crazy while we were there and while we were gone.  We still managed to have a great time!  Here is a video about the trip:

Even with all the rain, I did manage to get a few photos.

Here is our camp…all set up.  It rained and rained.  So, that meant that we were constantly pulling all of our stuff under the tent.  Messy, but still fun!

I have to show this amazing breakfast.  We went across the lake to Kit Carson Lodge and had breakfast more than one day.  It was so nice to have breakfast that we didn’t have to cook.  Loved the food and the beautiful view from their deck.  We love to drive up there and have dinner sometimes.

We sat inside and played cards when it was pouring rain.  That was really fun.  Except when hubby beat me.  I hate to lose.  lol.  These cards are so special.  My son gave them too me as a surprise.  I was trying to “win” them at our family camp.  And, I did not win.  I let everyone know how disappointed I was.  I wanted these cards because they match my trailer.  But, I didn’t win and he didn’t give them to me.  Boo Hoo.  Imagine my surprise to find this deck of cards hidden in the drawer of my camper.  I found them when we were getting ready for this trip.  He had stuck them in there and didn’t say a word.  What a sneaky guy.   I was MORE than delighted and they will stay in the camper  always!!  Love my kids so much.

I got to hang up the banners that I made just before this trip.  If you want to know how I made these, check out my earlier post.  I have a video explaining everything.  I just love how they turned out.  My friend is always giving me sweet little presents, I just had to make her a banner of her own.  This red, white and blue, matches her trailer colors.


Our grandkids visit was one of my favorite moments.  I just love them so much!!!

One of the main reasons we got the camper was so that we could travel with our doggies.  We just love having them with us!!

This is our last campfire.  We were ready to go home and yet, we didn’t want it to end.  It’s always that way!  Next trip please!!

And these are photos that I will add to my art and nature photography gallery.  You can see more by clicking here:


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