How I made my Fun Artsy Thrift Store Sweater Refashions

I love refashion.  The idea of making something new out of something old.  I’m kind of obsessed actually.  The one refashion idea that I have done multiple times, is to take an old sweater/cardigan and turn it into something fun and artsy.

Here is my YouTube video about making my Fun Artsy Thrift Store Sweater Refashions.  I hope you enjoyed it.

Here is the one I made in this video, followed by the other two I featured.


I have a post on how I made another sweater refashion on my old blog.  Go take a look:

So, those are just a few.  I love making something new, out of something old.  And, I love fabric.  I can never resist new fabric.  Soft.  The Softer the Better!!

I hope you enjoyed my tutorial.  Do you want to see more like this?  Leave me a comment and let me know.


3 thoughts on “How I made my Fun Artsy Thrift Store Sweater Refashions”

  1. I like your new sweater! You are absolutely right that refashioning/upcycling is not an exact science but a creative process. I will certainly use your idea to refashion some of my clothes.

  2. Just found/watched your video….loved it! Especially watching your process. My biggest stumbling block to upcycling my clothes is me. I hope this helps me get out of my own way and start experimenting more. I look forward to watching more of your videos…..

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