Finding new spots…Blue Lakes

Most of the time we are shooting for our clients and of course it would be weird to bring our dogs with us.  Plus, they would require waaaaaay too much attention!  So, when we can, we love to take a drive, just for ourselves and bring “the boys”.  Pookie and Buster.  They are awesome travel companions.IMG_2526-iphone-buster-pookie-2015

The views are spectacular!  Look at those amazing clouds!


Buster is a great poser!  He is ALWAYS smiling!!


We love wandering and looking for places that we haven’t gone to before.  We love the drive to Hope Valley and we have passed the sign to “Blue Lakes” a zillion times.  Today, we decided to turn and see what we could find.

It was a pretty drive, one that I would definitely take again.  Lots  of granite and trees.  When we got to the Lakes, the water was pretty low.  And the view of the lakes wasn’t particularly scenic.  I did snap this one pic of the sun setting.


This is also close to Blue Lakes.  We would love to come back and see what it all looks like when the drought is over.


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