A day of Nature Photography in the High Sierras

We are so blessed to live in an amazing area.  Even right around our house it’s beautiful.  It only takes us an hour to be in the high sierras and we drive up there every chance we get.  These photos were taken on the same day, with some perfect weather!  We actually got snowed on at some point, but it didn’t last.  And, a little rain didn’t damper the day.

This first shot was actually taken on a different day.  It was so rainy, this was the only image I liked.  I love this location.  It’s looking down on Red Lake. The STRAIGHT down view is also, the spot where wagon trains came up.  It was an amazing feat to make it up this steep climb!


This was my first shot of the day.  Beautiful clouds and an awesome reflection of Caples Lake.  There were fishermen right next to me.


This is the same location as the first photo, up at Carson Pass.  If I turned to the right, I would see Red Lake.  I just love the blue sky.  Is the sky blue-er in the mountains?  I think…YES!


This is a view that I love of the storm in the mountains.  We actually had to drive through some snow at one point during this drive.  And, I mean SNOW!  Covered the road, slipping and sliding…snow.  Wow.


My main goal for the day was this.  I used my new nd filter and I captured about a million shots of running water.  I could do this everyday!!


I had to share this sign.  I love graffiti, and finding some out in the middle of the mountains, was cool.


The storm clouds were all over the place.  I love the blue sky on the right, and the storm clouds on the left.


This was just one of those quick stops along the side of the road.  It’s so pretty up there!!  Hope Valley, California.


Another quick “side of the road” shot.  I love these crazy, twisted Aspens.


This photo is of Silver Lake reflections.  Again, stormy, a little rain.  I just loved the view, hubby let me hop out and take a quick shot.  I posted it on my Facebook page and got a record number of likes!

Thank you!!


I spent a lot of time getting this shot (and it didn’t end up being my favorite…go figure).  The sun was setting, that’s Thunder Mountain in the background.  Silver Lake at Plasses.  We saw a ton of birds….geese?  Walking through the marsh was hazardous as their poop is green.  EW.


The ducks-geese?


On the way home, we were treated to a most spectacular sunset.  I can’t explain how beautiful this was!   The colors were so muted that they look “powdery” to me.  Can’t wait til next time!


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