Fall is my favorite color!
Well, actually Blue is my favorite color…lol. But, I just LOVE fall. The amazing colors. Just taking our dog walks is glorious! We love to

Yosemite in the Snow
I am sooooo ready for spring. But, at the same time, hubby and I wanted to get one last trip to see Yosemite in the

Yosemite in the fall
We love love love Yosemite. But, we have been so busy for so long…we realized we haven’t been there in ages. So, off we went!!

Yay! The Fall Colors are here!
I’m so happy that I was able to go and see the fall colors in the mountains. Sadly, they are on the way out. I

Camping on the Edge of the Ocean
We returned to Ocean Cove Campground for a second time. We went there in May and had a wonderful time. This place is amazing. It’s

Silver Lake Camping with friends and Rain, Thunder and Hail!!
We had our annual trip to Silver Lake with friends and this time we stayed 7 days instead of 3! Wow. I planned on staying

Spending time with my Granddaughter
Those moments spent with family….that’s what life is all about. I am so blessed in the family department. I have 3 great kids, who grew

My cute top Fashion Hack…and how to do it yourself
I bought this cute top at Steinmart and I just love it. I wish it had come in some other colors, but it only came